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Did you know that it is permissible to extend the NGO’s operating duration in Vietnam

Did you know that it is permissible to extend the operating duration of the NGOs?

For the time being, Vietnam-based non-government organizations (the “NGOs”) may find it difficult to grasp the acceptable time to prolong the NGO’s operating duration of a Registration Certificate issued by the Committee For Foreign Non-Governmental Organization Affairs (“COMINGO”) which is under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the “MOF”) in order to avoid breaking the laws.
Legally speaking, the NGO must submit an application file to the COMINGO for extending the operation duration of the Registration Certificate (the “Extended Registration Certificate”) if it is about to expire (i) at least sixty (60) days before expiry (the “Application File”).
The COMINGO will have third (30) days from the date of receipt of the proper and complete Application File to grant the Extended Registration Certificate and will require the undersigned in the request for extension of the Registration Certificate to come to the COMINGO’s office to receive it.
Please note that if the NGO does not extend the NGO’s operation duration of the Registration Certificate, among other cases, you may be enforced to observe the procedure of operation termination of the NGO.
Following that, the Operating Duration Extension of the NGONGO must, 60 days prior to voluntarily official operation termination,
(i) submit to the COMINGO and MOFA a written notice, attached to the issued Registration Certificates, an audited financial report, and an asset report and
(ii) within 60 days from the date of receipt of the operation termination notice from the MOFA, radically complete all things relating to its registered head office, housing, staff, working tools, financial obligations, and other things relating to Vietnam-based personnel and organizations.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at finnnguyen@ivlf-lawyer.com, www.ivlf-lawyer.com |www.facebook.com/IVLFAdvisors
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